Senin, 13 Februari 2012

TANAMAN PENYEGAR UDARA 1 - Polusi Udara Picu Timbulnya Diabetes

Aku suka udara bersih

Polusi Udara Picu Timbulnya Diabetes

Mengonsumsi makanan manis berlebih tak hanya menyebabkan proses penuaan lebih cepat, tetapi juga memicu terjadinya diabetes. Tapi ada lagi hal yang perlu Anda waspadai, berada dil ingkungan dengan tingkat polusi udara yang tinggi juga bisa memicu terjadinya peningkatan risiko diabetes.

Seperti dikutip dari laman, para peneliti di Harvard Medical School memperingatkan dalam sebuah studi baru bahwa mereka yang tinggal di daerah tercemar bisa mengalami peningkatan risiko diabetes. Mereka mengatakan bahwa kota-kota besar pada umumnya dilaporkan memiliki kualitas udara di bawah batas aman yang ditetapkan oleh Environmental Protection Agency.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or sometimes USEPA) is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and the environment, by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress. The EPA was proposed by President Richard Nixon and began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon submitted a reorganization plan to Congress and it was ratified by committee hearings in the House and Senate. The agency is led by its Administrator, who is appointed by the president and approved by Congress. The current administrator is Lisa P. Jackson. The EPA is not a Cabinet department, but the administrator is normally given cabinet rank. The agency has approximately 17,000 full-time employees.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (disingkat EPA atau USEPA) atau Badan Perlindungan Lingkungan Amerika Serikat adalah sebuah lembaga pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat yang bertugas melindungi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan dengan merumuskan dan menerapkan peraturan berdasarkan undang-undang yang disahkan oleh Kongres. EPA dicanangkan oleh Presiden Richard Nixon dan memulai operasinya tanggal 2 Desember 1970 ketika pendiriannya disahkan oleh Kongres, dan disetujui oleh Presiden Nixon, dan sampai sekarang terus bertanggung jawab atas kebijakan lingkungan Amerika Serikat. Lembaga ini dipimpin oleh pengurusnya, yang ditunjuk oleh Presiden Amerika Serikat. EPA bukanlah lembaga Kabinet, tapi pengurusnya diberikan peringkat kabinet seperti biasa. Lisa P. Jackson adalah pengurus saat ini. Lembaga ini memiliki sekitar 18.000 karyawan penuh waktu.

Bahkan prevalensi diabetes bagi mereka yang tinggal di lingkungan dengan udara tercemar lebih dari 20 persen lebih tinggi dibandingkan orang yang menghirup udara yang lebih bersih.

"Kita tahu paparan polusi udara adalah faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskuler," kata John Brownstein, PhD, dari Children's Hospital Boston dan Harvard Medical School. "Ini hanyalah satu bagian dari bukti bahwa dampak polusi sangat berpengaruh bagi kesehatan."

John menyarankan pindah lokasi tempat tinggal adalah cara yang terbaik. Namun seringkali pindah rumah menjadi pilihan yang merepotkan. Namun beberapa hal sederhana bisa Anda lakukan untuk meminimalisasi polusi di rumah Anda. Semua ini dapat Anda lakukan untuk memastikan udara di rumah Anda atau apartemen tetap bersih:

1. Hindari penggunaan penyegar udara

Hindari penyegar udara sarat kimia. Tentu, penyemprot ruangan membuat tempat Anda berbau harum, tapi mereka juga mengotori tempat Anda. Sebaliknya, coba gunakan penyegar udara alami. Bisa gunakan wewangian rumah bebas kimia yang terbuat dari minyak esensial.

2. Hiasi dengan tanaman hias

Jika mungkin, tempatkan tanaman di setiap kamar. Tanaman hias sebagai penyaring udara alami yang bisa menyegarkan ruangan serta penghisap debu alami. Dan sejumlah ahli kesehatan menyatakan bahwa kualitas udara dalam ruangan bisa jauh lebih baik dengan menjaga tanaman di sekitar rumah

3. Hindari perapian

Menggunakan perapian atau berada di depan perapian yang menggunakan cerobong asap mungkin membuat suasana lebih romantis. Tetapi  pembakaran kayu dan juga sering menggunakan perapian dapat membuat polusi di rumah Anda dan tidak baik untuk kesehatan.

New Research Links Air Polution With Diabetes: 
Here's How to Keep the Air in Your Home Clean

My dears, I dread reporting on research leaving folks with little options. Take a new study on air pollution and diabetes--the only option for folks seems to move away from polluted cities (not really a viable choice for many). But, here are some tips to keep the air in your home or apartment as clean and fresh as it can be ...

Researchers at Harvard Medical School warn in a new study that living in polluted areas of the country may put you at an increased risk of diabetes. They say that cities that frequently report air quality below the safety limits set by the Environmental Protection Agency had a more than 20 percent higher diabetes prevalence than people who breathed in cleaner air.

“We know exposure to air pollution is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease,” says John Brownstein, PhD, of the Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School. “This is just one more piece of evidence that pollution impacts health.”

While the news is startling, there's not a lot city dwellers can do to make an impact on their health, other than ... move. Yeah, not really an option, right? That's why I loved these tips from about some small things you can do to make sure the air in your home or apartment is as clean as it can be:

1. Go natural when it comes to cleaning products: Stick with vinegar to shine windows and use fragrance-free bathroom cleaners and scouring agents like Bon Ami (my fave) to cut back on inhalation of chemicals that can linger in your apartment long after use.

2. Ditch air fresheners: Avoid chemical-laden air fresheners, say experts. Sure, they make your place smell nice, but they're also polluting your place. Instead, try using natural, chemical-free home fragrances made from essential oils (my fave).

3. Decorate with houseplants: If possible, place a plant in each room. Houseplants naturally scrub the air clean (magic little things that they are), and some experts estimate that indoor air quality could be vastly improved by keeping more plants around.

4. Cut back on fireplace use: I know, they're so comfy and romantic, but a wood-burning stove (and also frequent candle use) can create pollution in your home that isn't good for your bod.
A fireplace is an architectural structure designed to contain a fire for heating, as well as for cooking. Fireplaces are also used for the relaxing ambiance they create. A fire is contained in a firebox or firepit; a chimney or other flue allows exhaust to escape. A fireplace may have: a foundation, a hearth, a firebox, a mantel, an ashdump door, a chimney crane, a cleanout door, a grate, a lintel, a lintel bar, overmantel, a chimney breast, a damper, a smoke chamber, a throat, a flue, a chimney chase, a crown, a cap, a shroud, or a spark arrestor.
Fireplaces have variable heat efficiency. Organizations like the Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington Department of Ecology warn that, according to various studies, fireplaces can pose a significant health risk. The EPA writes "Smoke may smell good, but it's not good for you."
Are you worried about air pollution in your house and outside? How does your city do in terms of clean air?

P.S. Want to feel healthier today? Check these past posts for simple, actionable things you can do right now to improve your health.

How Clean is Your Air?

Yesterday, Sarah wrote about how removing lead from gasoline decreased air pollution and improved health. While lead is no longer a threat, there are still plenty of chemicals in the air. Interested to see how your city and state are doing? Check out this project by the American Lung Association, which details (and grades!) cities and counties based on ozone and particle pollution.

Based in the DC metro area, I knew New Voices probably weren't breathing the cleanest possible air, but it's interesting to compare our air to the city immediately next to ours and see notable differences. How did your city do? And if you live in a failing area (as I do), what are you going to do about it?

How about sending a note to your member of Congress about the value of research:
With continued investment in research and the work at the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other government agencies, we can continue to find the answers we need to improve the quality of air we breathe.
Thanks to Jennifer Chow for her help constructing this post.

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